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Coffee is the seed of the coffee cherry, a red berry that looks similar to a big cranberry. Arabica, a species of coffee plant/cherry is what is used to make specialty grade coffee, but not all Arabica is specialty grade. Farmers must carefully grow the cherries to maturation before hand picking only the ripe cherries for sorting and processing. Their attention to detail at these early stages greatly affects the flavour profile of the final cup.

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Different processing methods are used depending on the region and farm to extract the green bean from the cherry. No matter the process, great care must be taken so that coffees are fermented and then dried at the right rate, for the right amount of time. If done well, a coffee has beautifully complex flavours that include fruity flavours, florals, nuts, chocolate, caramel, and more. Once the green beans are export ready, they are shipped to us.

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Beans that arrive at our roastery are given the royal treatment. We first take the time to get to know each new bean origin, conducting multiple tests to get to understand its moisture content, density, how it behaves in the roast, and what flavor compounds are locked in the bean just waiting to be released or activated with heat. After lots of sample roasting, and tasting we lock in a roast recipe.


It all starts with selecting the right coffee that suits your flavor palate. Some of our coffees are more fruity with complex acidity, some are sweeter, all of them are roasted between light and medium to highlight the coffee bean’s natural flavors instead of covering them up with roasted, toasty, and burnt flavors. Once you have figured out the coffee you want, using a good brewer, good water, and good technique will result in a good, tasty extraction. You’ll end up with a coffee that is complex and layered. As it cools from hot to warm, different layers will be revealed, highlighting different flavors and aromas.

But where do you get started on improving your brewing technique you might ask? The easiest ways is to check out our brew guides to get basic instruction on six popular brew methods. Still want to know more? Book a slot at one of our coffee experience events or workshops where you’ll get hands on instruction in brewing skills and coffee theory.

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